Category Archives: Artists 2022

Simone Arganini, D. Fabris, A. Piana

Simone Arganini

Simone Arganini trained in dance with Manfredi Perego, in acting with Elisa Cuppini and Savino Paparella. He worked with Daniele Albanese, Teatro delle Briciole, MP.Ideograms and is now a stable member of CollettivO CineticO.He studied electronic music (BA at Conservatory of Parma with maximum vote of 110 cum laude and special mention, and MA at […]

Nicholas Baffoni

Nicholas Baffoni

Nicholas Baffoni (1997, Sant’Elpidio a Mare) made his debut at the age of 10 with Caribbean dances and approached the languages of contemporary and ballet dance at the Liceo Coreutico in Tolentino (MC) where he graduated in 2016. He continued his education in Rome, attending first the RIDA professional program and then the National Academy […]

Sissj Bassani e Martina Piazzi

Sissj Bassani - Martinia Piazzi | Parini Secondo

Parini Secondo was born in 2017 from an idea of Sissj Bassani (Cesena, ‘97) and Martina Piazzi (Bologna, ‘97), involving Camilla Neri and Francesca Pizzagalli.The collective works on the movement starting from different and unpredictable sources, questioning the limits of authorship and up-to-dateism. With an ecological and ready-made act, the group remixes other people’s ideas […]

Bianca Berger

Bianca Berger

Bianca Berger was born in 1998 in Locarno, Switzerland, where she attended high school and urban dance classes. She starts her dance studies at the Copenhagen Contemporary Dance School (1 year pre-education), to then attend Studio XL (1 year training in Reggio Emilia), and finally she completes the Bachelor’s degree in Dance and Choreography at […]

Sara Capanna, Barbara Carulli, Michele Scappa

Sara Capanna, Barbara Carulli, Michele Scappa

Sara Capanna, Barbara Carulli and Michele Scappa meet in different professional contexts and from 2021 they decide to develop a co-authorial creative project, to deepen the research on corporeality undertaken in 2019 by Sara and Michele with Crepe | studies on the fragility of matter. Sara, Barbara and Michele in 2021 are winners of the […]

Francesca Foscarini

Francesca Foscarini

Francesca Foscarini has been involved in contemporary dance for several years, as dancer, teacher and choreographer. These three ways of practising dance are in constant communication with each other, influencing and feeding off each other. Her works include Cantando sulle ossa (Best solo Masdanza), Grandmother (Equilibrio Award Roma 2013 Performer), Gut Gift by Y. Godder, […]

Fabritia D’Intino e Federico Scettri

Fabritia D'Intino e Federico Scettri

Fabritia D’Intino (ITA, 1986) is a dancer and choreographer.Graduated with a BA in contemporary dance at Accademia Nazionale di Danza (Rome) and ArtEZ (Netherlands), she is currently completing a Master’s degree in performing arts MAPPA by Matattoio, PalaExpo and ABA (Rome). From 2013 to 2019 she coordinates the Spanish platform Barcelona International Dance Exchange – […]