Monica Francia

Monica Francia

Monica Francia is dancer, author, performer, but also cultural operator in the largest sense of the term, trying to sustain young generations of dance makers.
“I do art. Since I was really young to self define as an Artist was a trick that allowed me to live the delicate phase of formation and the choice of a profession without having to follow preset paths and predetermined choices.
From the beginning I noticed that my female-artist body is a political instrument with a precise task.
The relevant clue that helped me understand how to work with this was the choice of body as an instrument and dance as a language.
So the question has always been: “ what is Dance?”
I am an author, intending this word in its etymological sense of someone who increases/expands reality, who invents new worlds, who is the maker of realities.
I crave something which is not in the possible choices that are given, I want more, I want to find new ways to consider Dance and choreographic productions.
I create using a very personal physical writing, for felt necessity and not for market requirements. From the start of my solitary path of research/self-formation, seeking every possibile energetic consequence of touch, of contact between bodies and of living and watching a performative event, I designed a language/a vocabulary/a method/a practice to comunicate with people I attracted in my “creative world”, in the society I wanted to exist.
To practice this Dance every body is always suitable.”