The Festival

Ammutinamenti – Festival di danza urbana e d’autore has been held in Ravenna since 1999 by Cantieri Danza association.
Conceived by Monica Francia and Selina Bassini, artistic directors until 2019, it has promoted the youngest and most innovative part of performing arts since its debut, transforming the local cultural structure and bringing the audience closer and closer to authorial and research dance.
The 2020 and 2021 editions have been entrusted to the multiple visions and intuitions of the young operators Daniela Camerani, Francesca Serena Casadio, Christel Grillo, Giulia Melandri and Simona Pucciarelli, at the head of Cantieri Danza association since 2020, after working for years each one in her own field of competence, together with Selina Bassini. 
The 2022 festival edition is developed by Francesca Serena Casadio, Christel Grillo and Giulia Melandri.

Each year the festival programme is made up of performances created by emerging authors and well-known artists from the contemporary dance scene and hosts initiatives addressed to the local community including movement education workshops to experience dance practices and discover expressive gestures.
Ammutinamenti Festival not only hosts site-specific performances in the urban local venues and events that help the audience to discover in a new way daily experienced spaces, but also hosts some activities of Network Anticorpi XL, a national network devoted to the promotion of young dance such as Vetrina della giovane danza d’autore, featuring the creations of authors at the beginning of their careers or Nuove Traiettorie, a training course where a group of young authors coming from all over Italy fully experience the days of the Festival and the city of Ravenna. 

in collaboration with

Comune di Ravenna

supported by

Regione Emilia-Romagna
Visit Emilia Romagna | APT
ATER Fondazione
Network Anticorpi XL
ESP Centro Commerciale

in collaboration with

SpazioA - rassegna Ra-dici35

technical collaboration

Raven - servizi per lo spettacolo

media partner

Gagarin Magazine
Igers Ravenna