Small living space
choreography and interpretation Antonio Taurino
music Antonio Vivaldi
production Gruppo e-Motion
duration 13 minutes
This is none other than the dramatic story of a man trapped in his own thoughts, manipulated by his fears and punched by his suffering, lost, therefore, in an insane vicious circle. A small fragment of reality in which non-acceptance of oneself triggers an intense conflictual mechanism: an intimate struggle with oneself, a desperate battle against an invisible enemy. The punches in the void, the ruinous falls and the pressing physical fatigue are the translation of an emotional status governed by chaos, a condition that leads to no longer recognizing oneself, to no longer feeling at ease in the clothes worn or, even, in one’s own skin. . This is none other than the dramatic story of a ‘faceless’ man who hides himself from the prejudices of society; a man like many others, fragile, but who does not want to show himself as such. Undressing and getting naked seems to be the only way to be accepted by others, or simply by oneself… But this battle, has the taste of defeat…
ph. Paolo Porto