VIDAVÈ Crafts | Hansel e Gretel Alteration


Teatro Rasi
via di Roma, 39


Sep 16 2022


20:45 - 23:00


full price ticket 10 € - reduced price ticket 7€ (for the whole evening)

Hansel & Gretel Alteration

choreographyVIDAVÈ Crafts
dance Fabio Cavallo, Noemi Dalla Vecchia, Chiara Mocci, Matteo Vignali
audio Matteo Vignali
music Noto, Sakamoto, Stimming, Lambert, Duval Timothy, Rosie Lowe, Ö aka Nomak, H. Hunt
costumes Francesca Messori
shadows Grimm Twins (Ayumi Makita & Barbara Lachi)
lights and set VIDAVÈ Crafts
production DanceHausPIÙ
supported by Scenario Pubblico e Associazione Insieme Arte
duration 24 minuti


Altering the narrative structure of the famous tale by Brothers Grimm, the work focuses on the liquidity of the contemporary family and the related educational difficulties that brings to adolescents. Three fluid characters open the scene intertwining in a nucleic form, within a cold and aseptic environment where the echoes of familiar dialogues of a past time, in contrast with the deafening silence of their expressiveness. The narration is followed by a crescendo of incomprehensible voices, which become lallations, R&Bchants, and in the end turn into poetic texts that guide the changes of those young – adults. The roles of parents and children are constantly altered since there is no inner self and identity, as in the direct contrast between Hansel and Gretel during the central duet.
In the light and the shadows, the gesture of a parental figure who abandons his children with a soulless greeting, repeats. Departure that allows a dark entity to take the scene and create a labyrinth of silver toy constructions. The three prefer to regress to a primordial form rather than fighting, attracted by the fake glitter of the walls of the house built with the same objects, which also become food and essence of their individualism.

ph. Alice Colombo