Congegno emotivo
♦ shows at 5pm, 6pm and 6.20pm
performative action of Monica Francia
a project of: gruppo Y
with the young performer
Sara Zannoni, Zoe Francia Lamattina, Michelangela Zannoni, Shakira Canu, Bianca Casadio, Giulia Casadio, Cesare Ricci, Diana Ricci, Massimo Prati, Pietro Spizuoco, Chiara Zoffoli, Gina Fiorini, Ippolita Santandrea, Giulio Mano
and with the partecipants of the worhshop DEVICE
The action, between performance and installation, is a smart container that engages spectators in a limited time and space of relation with the performer’s bodies.
The public is accompanied and positioned in one the delimited space on the floor. The public has 15 minutes to watch the performance, staying inside the portion of personal space without crossing its boundaries.
Performers move close to the spectator that they choose to investigate using a circle shaped mirror and activate a gaze connection for the whole duration of the practice.
The mirror is a prosthesis to connect with the outside and looks are used in a hyper specific mode, finalised to the play between performer and spectator.
To look is to touch and a reflected look is a powerful weapon. It activates a body conversation focused on negotiation.
A project by: gruppoY (gruppoY is Monica Francia Sara Zannoni Zoe Francia Lamattina)
gruppoY is an intergenerational research group that wishes to design systems and situations for political, artistic and personal transformation through relational bodily practices. They are together from 2020 taking responsability in the organization, the making and the research through the workshop DEVICE and the performance Congegno emotivo. They explore different ways to investigate the role of spectator. They propose performances as events in which spectators and performers share the responsibility of creation, perception and presence. The workshops and the scenic moments are collective reprogramming devices to activate new possibilities to feel. The project is not limited to the laboratory or the final show but is part of a wider path, curated in all its visible and invisible parts to the viewer. For the past five years, the work with young performers has built an anomalous and hybrid formation for the participants. The artistic work is the whole path: the care, the logistic management and the creative invention produced in recent years.