Come neve | Adriano Bolognino


Fondazione Sabe per l'arte
Via Giovanni Pascoli, 31


Sep 11 2023




ticket 3€

Come neve

choreography Adriano Bolognino
with Rosaria Di Maro, Noemi Caricchia
production Körper – Centro Nazionale di Produzione della danza / Fondazione Teatro Comunale Città di Vicenza – Festival Danza in Rete
with the support of Orsolina28, Nitja Senter samtidskunst, Italian Institute of Culture in Oslo and the Italian Embassy in Norway, “KOMM TANZ/PASSO NORD progetto residenze Compagnia Abbondanza/Bertoni in collaboration with Comune di Rovereto
music Olafur Arnalds/Josin
costumes Club dell’uncinetto, Napoli
text review Rosa Coppola
thanks to C.A.M. Museum, Mirko Ingrao
selected for Danza Urbana XL 2023 – Network Anticorpi XL
duration 20 minutes

The image from which I started is the snow that we can observes when at the window. I contemplated the whiteness of the outside and the warmth of the inside, the sense of well-being, protection and community that one often feels in these moments. Before starting to work with the dancers’ bodies, I started with their clothes. So I decided to involve a group of women who, during the pandemic, came together to reinvent themselves, rediscovering the art of crochet in the project “Club dell’uncinetto”. By intertwining these elements, I would like to invade the viewer with a sudden snowfall of moving bodies, to stop its time in front of a serene contemplation.

Adriano Bolognino


ph. Giovanna Cavallo