Vetrina della giovane danza d’autore
choreography and concept Pablo Ezequiel Rizzo
dancers Alessandra Cozzi, Pablo Rizzo, Giuseppe Zagaria dramaturg Eliana Rotella
light designer Fabio Brusadin
produced by Hangartfest and Ass. Aiep Ariella Vidach
supported by Studio 21, Movimento Danza and Ramificazioni Festival
Finalist at Residanza – la casa della nuova coreografia prize.
Winner of Premio Cerati, by Ramificazioni festival
duration 17 minutes
“Nature! We are surrounded by it and wrapped up, unable to get out, unable to penetrate further into it. It creates eternally new forms;
what exists has never been;
what was does not return
– everything is new, yet always old. ”
Goethe, Urpflanze
Albatros is a post-pandemic production. It immaginary was born from the manifestation of a mirrored elk, during a meditation with my arms posed over my head. Conceived originally as a biological and behavioural study of some species of animals, the project has evolved thanks to the study of Goethe’s Urpflanze, and the cyborg theory of biologist and philosopher Donna Haraway. Through these two elements, Albatros wonders about the concept of “nature” and “natural”, that includes, among a variety of other meanings, the technological tools produced by the creative human imagination.
Despite its conceptual complexity, Albatros is visually simple and essential. It plays with reflections and diffractions between darkness and light, so to create, through a plastic body, hybrid and alien images that turn into the composition of anthropomorphic shape, to finally reveal a mysterious cybernetic body.
The similarity and androgyny of the two performers, male and female respectively, is aimed at creating an illusory dance, in which the spectator can get lost and confused when trying to discriminate one from the other. This effect is desired also in the light of the principles developed by Donna Haraway, who invites us to inaugurate a new way of thinking about sexual identity, overcoming the dualistic contrast of the masculine and feminine.