Capanna-Carulli-Scappa | Tracce | Looking for a place to die


Teatro Rasi
via di Roma, 39


Sep 16 2022




full price ticket 10 € - reduced price ticket 7€ (for the whole evening)

Tracce | Looking for a place to die

concept and performer Sara Capanna, Barbara Carulli, Michele Scappa
music Joaquín Nahuel Cornejo
lights Paolo Pollo Rodighiero
coproduction Anghiari Dance Hub e Company Blu
supported by Armunia
duration 25 minuti
winner project of Premio Theodor Rawyler 2022


«Whoever I once was no longer recalls who I am […] Speak to me of death, of the end of everything, to give me a reason to remember…»
(The Mariner, F. Pessoa)

The traces are indications of a previous state, of small residual quantities, of signals that allow reconstructing a trajectory. They can be searched, found, left, walked and remembered. Although each trace is unique and original, each of them has the characteristic of being inevitable. These first reflections on the term “trace” have oriented the development of a quality of the body towards an anarchic gesture, one that is ready to make, undo and transform the regulatory rules of architecture (spatial and temporal) within which the dance is developed. A dance that lives in the instant, which may have already been or may exist, which can only be remembered or imagined. As in a dream, the bodies (con)form into figures, which escape the light by exposing themselves to the dark, inhabiting the edges and the boundaries – of “dusty voids” – through different rhythms.
The dancing bodies, questioning their own fixed points and detaching themselves from what is known to them, experience a continuous search for meaning and for consent of movement that passes through choice. A journey in search of a co-living and a con-dying: a crisis that can be crossed with the Cat’s cradle game, described by Donna Haraway “twists and skeins that require passion and action, holding still and moving, anchoring and launching.”
Tracce | Looking for a place to die is an extremely vital act, it is the constant generation of new possibilities, which can be shed only by being in the dark, just like the strong glow emanating from the death of a star.

ph. Chiara Tavernesi