Congegno emotivo | Festival Ammutinamenti 2022


MAR - Museo d'Arte della città di Ravenna
Via di Roma, 13


Sep 08 2023


16:00 - 17:00


museum ticket 3€ [valid from 8 to 10 september]

Congegno emotivo

performance/final moment of the workshop DEVICE
with a group of young performers and with the participants of the workshop DEVICE conducted by Monica Francia

The action is an ingenious device, a finely orchestrated expedient, involving the spectators in a limited spacetime of relationship with the performers. The workshop and the final scenic moment are experiments aimed at activating a different perception, searching for some ways of questioning the role of spectatorship. To gaze is to touch from a distance and the gaze is a sensitive matter with which the scenic device relates, seeking ways of looking (and touching) differently. It activates a vibrational conversation that tampers with the boundary between who looks and who does, in which the sense of wholeadswhofollows whomoveswhoismoved wholookswhoislookedat is lost.

A project curated by: gruppoY (Zoe Francia Lamattina, Sara Zannoni, Monica Francia) Trans-generational research group desiring to design situations of transformation through relational practices.

ph. Dario Bonazza